New Quincy city councilor vows to focus on Ward 2 issues, work collaboratively with colleagues

Mary Whitfill - The Patriot Ledger

QUINCY — Lifelong Quincy resident Anthony Andronico was sworn in as Ward 2's representative on the city council Thursday morning, just hours after heading up his final meeting as vice chairman of the school committee.

Andronico, 27, took his oath of office in the city council chambers alongside his father and fiancée. 

"It was a nice moment," he said. "When I reflected this morning about what it means, I reflected on my family immigrating to Quincy Point over 100 years ago. They worked really hard to make a better life for their families and my family still calls Quincy Point home. To be able to serve my neighbors and work for the people of Quincy is an opportunity I truly am grateful for. My promise to the people of Ward 2 is to make sure I treat them like family and do the best I can for them." 


Andronico was chosen by city councilors to fill the last 11 months of longtime Ward 2 Councilor Brad Croall's term. Croall resigned several weeks ago.

The new councilor said he plans to spend the next year focused primarily on issues local to Ward 2, including traffic concerns, safety and Faxon Park. The park, which recently had two walking trails developed, is undergoing a series of improvements. 

"We will need to have community meetings about that to see what the public wants for that area and make sure those needs are met," he said. 

Androninco said he has no immediate plans to bring any new projects before the council.

"The most important thing is to listen," he said. "It's listening to your colleagues, listening your constituents and advocating for them. You can learn a lot more by listening than talking and I plan to have an open door policy. If people are curious about something or have an idea - I encourage them to reach out to me and have a conversation."

In the coming days, Andronico will post information about standing office hours and said he will be continuing to send out a monthly newsletter. His email address is, and he said he encourages anyone to reach out.

Andronico officially resigned from his post as vice chairman of the school committee at the end of Wednesday night's meeting. In the time since he was first elected in 2018, Andronico said he was most proud of launching a new website for the school district; establishing an equity, diversity and inclusion subcommittee; navigating the district's first superintendent search in more than 20 years; and helping to develop a COVID-19 reopening plan for the district.

"It's important to state that none of these are individual accomplishments, these are all things we couldn't have gotten done without working together as a body," he added.

Mayor Thomas Koch, who is chairman of the school committee, will call a joint meeting of the city council and school committee to discuss Andronico's replacement, which will be chosen by members of the two boards. He indicated he'd like to have a replacement appointed by the school committee's next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 10. 


Andronico Interview with QATV


Friends of Faxon Park Hike