Ward Two Councillor Anthony Andronico Seeking Full-Term on City Council

Anthony Andronico, the current Ward Two Councillor and former School Committee Vice Chair, announced that he has pulled nomination papers to seek a full-term as Councillor. Andronico was appointed by the City Council in January to fill the remainder of Councillor Brad Croall’s term.


“Serving as the Ward Two Councillor is an absolute privilege and I hope to earn the opportunity to continue serving in the role come this fall,” said Andronico. “My goal as a City Councillor is simple: find ways to help the families of Ward Two receive the same opportunities that this city provided my family.” Andronico’s great-grandparents emigrated from Italy and settled down in Quincy Point over 100 years ago – his family has called the area home ever since. Anthony and his fiancée Hannah are finalizing their wedding plans and say they are excited to lay down roots of their own.


If elected, Andronico said he would, “continue to provide the high level of constituent services the Ward has come to expect, work to maintain the integrity of our neighborhoods amid growing development, and advocate for policies that provide direct benefits to those who have invested their hard-earned tax dollars into Quincy.”


Upon being sworn-in to the new role, Andronico launched a new constituent services website, www.AnthonyAndronico.com, where residents can sign up for a monthly newsletter, request assistance with an issue, fill out a survey to provide feedback, and more. He says this action was crucial in his ability to better serve the Ward amid COVID-19.


“Coming into the role, COVID-19 cases had spiked to near-record levels and city services were not as accessible as they would be in normal times,” said Andronico. “I knew it was critical to immediately establish direct communication with constituents so they knew that I was here to help. The website has provided an alternative avenue for people to voice their opinion and stay connected. It has been really helpful in starting some great dialogue about the direction of our City and where people want to see us go. I’ve always believed that public service is done best when leaders are accessible and take the time to listen.”


One of the priorities constituents highlighted in Andronico’s survey was investing in the City’s infrastructure. Andronico noted that he was proud to work with his colleagues to advance a $150 million infrastructure plan that will allow for significant roadway and water system improvements over the next 5-10 years.


“Almost every day, I have a conversation with a constituent who tells me that our roads need more attention,” said Andronico. “Now that we are moving ahead with this infrastructure plan, Ward Two can expect 33,306 feet of re-paved road and 19 water mains to be replaced in the near future. This is a critical investment and one priority that I look forward to overseeing in the coming years.”


Moving forward, Andronico said he is excited to work with the community to develop plans to update Faxon Park.


“Prior to taking office, the City had begun preliminary designs to reinvigorate Faxon Park to allow for more people to enjoy the natural beauty that the area has to offer,” said Andronico. “Although the City is still thinking through potential designs to bring forward, my goal is to ensure that the public has ample opportunity to express their opinions and discuss their ideas for the park before anything final is decided upon. I’m excited about the opportunities those discussions will present.”


Outside of his role in local government, Andronico has worked as the Communications Director for Weymouth State Senator Patrick O’Connor for the past three years. Andronico says that the role has already been beneficial to him in the short time he’s been on the Council, especially in regards to the fight against the Weymouth Compressor Station which impacts Quincy Point.


Within a week after the third unplanned toxic gas release at the Weymouth Compressor Station on April 6th, Andronico’s colleagues unanimously approved his resolution calling on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to revoke their temporary order allowing Enbridge to continue operations.


“Following the second unplanned release, PHMSA acknowledged that the release of large quantities of natural gas in heavily populated areas carries a substantial risk. We’re simply asking them to listen to their own words,” said Andronico. “There have been three unplanned toxic gas releases in just the first eight months of operation. The people of Quincy Point and the Fore River Basin deserve better.”


Before assuming the role on the City Council, Andronico was a member of the School Committee and said he was proud of what the board accomplished during his time there. He noted that he followed through with all three of his campaign promises – a new QPS website, an increase in the number of dual-enrollment courses, and to maintain QPS’ class size ratio.


“It’s important that my constituents know they can count on me to follow through,” he said.


Andronico was also unanimously selected by his former school committee colleagues to serve as Vice Chair of the committee in 2020. He said that although the year presented an immense number of obstacles, he was proud of how the committee faced multiple fundamental challenges with great care and integrity.


“It was a difficult year for our students and their families – we owed it to them to work together and get the job done,” said Andronico. “We conducted a superintendent search for the first time in 20 years, developed a school reopening plan that was publicly commended by the State, and acted quickly to better respond to the issue of racial bias in our community. When you’re in a leadership role, sometimes you need to make difficult decisions, and every decision we made last year was a difficult one.”


“At such a critical time in our City’s history, I think it’s important that Ward Two has a representative that has demonstrated they are fully prepared and qualified to deliver the services so many have come to expect and rely on. I believe that I’m the right candidate at the right time and look forward to earning support in the months ahead.”


To learn more about Anthony’s Campaign and how you can support the effort, visit www.VoteAndronico.com. Be sure to follow Anthony on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @AJAndronico. As always, if you have a comment, question, or concern that you feel Anthony may be helpful with, you can contact him by phone at 617-376-1352 or email at aandronico@quincyma.gov.


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